How Does Your Personality Affect Your Life?

What is the influence of your personality on your life?

All of us know or can at least sense that our character traits influence how we tackle obstacles, interact with others, or celebrate the goals we achieve. But what few people know is that their personality is a set of unchanging or permanent characteristics that define each of us. It is true that there is also an important genetic factor that burdens our character. But that doesn’t mean we can’t mold it in many ways. Discover more information about the influence of your personality on your life here.

Every feature of our personality makes us different, unique and special. But when those same characteristics prevent us from getting a job, maintaining a relationship, or making friends… they become a challenge. So we must try to change our character traits so that they can work in our favor.

The influence of your personality

The influence of your personality is there, but it does not determine your destiny

One of the best tools we have to change our personality is self-knowledge. Because by being aware of our limitations and our strengths, it is easier to achieve good results in our personal and professional lives. So we can work more thoroughly on the skills that we struggle with. We can also stimulate other capacities. Because they will have positive things to offer us.

Yet the turning point comes when you come to the conclusion that  “people never change.” Yes and no. We all have natural innate tendencies about how we behave on a daily basis. A child who is shy or outgoing is likely to become an adult who is shy or outgoing. We call this the  temperament. Now let’s watch this interesting documentary. It explains many things about the connections between heredity and a person’s personality.

Your temperament and your character together form your personality

Nevertheless, culture, experiences and our environment will shape our temperament. This will be done by building and rebuilding what we call our character. These two aspects make up  our personality.

So the statement  “people don’t change”   is partially true. It is true in the sense that each of us feels comfortable in some kind of situation and not in others. This is the result of our personality. But the ability to adapt to any situation in the best way, without ceasing to be “yourself” can control you. So you can somewhat determine the influence of your personality.

How can you adjust your personality?

How? Not all of us have it that easy or that hard to acquire this “chameleon” trait. That is why it is easy for some people to jump into new things while the same assignments can become an odyssey for others. Herein lies the importance of self-knowledge. It tells you how to make the most of your potential without being excessively burdened by your limitations.

For example, you can perform a simple exercise to arrive at that self-knowledge in general terms. It helps you to see and describe the influence of your personality. It consists of answering the following questions. What do you like? What’s good for you? What you like and what you do well is not a problem. The hard part comes from the things you don’t like, or that are obstacles but are still good for you. Because you may miss an opportunity to learn something useful.

On the other hand, there are activities or challenges that you enjoy or that are easier or more attainable for you, but are not good for you if you make it a habit. We usually refer to these activities as “vices.” They can have a positive side when fulfilled now and then. But if, for example, this vice leads to a romantic relationship that we cling to despite the damage it causes, then we have a problem.

The influence of your personality

How do you get results?

So you now have a starting point, a way to assess the influence of your personality and adjust your personality. How can you get closer to the things that are good for you and keep your distance from the things that harm you? At this point, you need to recognize what makes it difficult for you to get closer to certain activities, people, and even objects that are beneficial to you. shyness? A lack of communication skills? Pride? And what’s stopping you from putting an end to the things that harm you? Fear? Insecurity? Conformity?

So take some steps towards a new and more confident you. It is a you that is supported by self-knowledge and a strengthened self-esteem. Then you are ready to take the world by the horns. Be more aware of your strengths and your limitations. Be more like a chameleon and don’t get discouraged.

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