How To Rid Yourself Of Toxic People

How To Free Yourself From Toxic People

Toxic people are those people around you who want to boss you around and control you, without paying attention to your needs and feelings. They are only concerned with themselves and seem to have no interest in you at all. It seems that these people see others only as tools, rather than as autonomous beings.

You may now be asking yourself ‘Why would anyone take this?’ . Unfortunately, there are plenty of people who pick up this kind of behavior from others, sometimes for years.

How to recognize toxic people

Toxic people blind people who already have low self-esteem. When someone isn’t like you, it’s hard to put yourself in their shoes. In this kind of emotional situation, it is very difficult to find out if someone is a toxic person and you can sometimes even ask yourself what you did to make that person around you so angry.

This is an ideal situation for a toxic person. These types of people don’t mind breaking the relationship between the two of you or hurting your feelings; they boost their own ego with your confidence.

What did I do wrong? You will ask yourself. According to the toxic people in your life, you are worth nothing. Everything that goes wrong is because of you. At some point you will be completely convinced of this yourself, so that you will not even realize that you are no longer listening to that evaluating voice in your own head.

Sometimes emotional situations such as depression and anxiety arise because we have had toxic people around us all along, be it our partner, a family member, a friend or a colleague.

How can I free myself from toxic people?

You don’t have to ask permission at all to distance yourself from these kinds of people. What you need to do is boost your own self-confidence so that you can rid yourself of these kinds of harmful people, no matter how much pain this process may cause initially. Don’t let your life pass you by, take matters into your own hands so you don’t end up in an endless downward spiral.

If your confidence is completely shattered, it will take you a while to get back to normal, but at least you’ve already taken the first important step.

When you notice that your own self-evaluation is getting low marks, try to stick to the following truths:

  • You cannot depend on the praise of others to value yourself. We’d live in an amazing world if we could all tell each other all day long how much we appreciate each other. However, how many times have people actually said things like this to you? When was the last time you went somewhere and someone told you you looked beautiful? That you were a fascinating person, had a beautiful smile or were the sun in the house?
  • If you often compare yourself to others, you can develop a pretty ugly image of yourself at some point. Everyone’s situation seems better from a distance, but in reality we all have our own problems.
  • You can trust your instincts. Doubt can seriously undermine your confidence. If you don’t think you can rely on your own decisions or perceptions, it can make you feel like there’s something wrong with you. This is the point where you begin to judge yourself more and more.

Keep your full attention

You may have heard of keeping your full attention on it: When you keep your full attention on it, you observe your thoughts and feelings in the moment and accept them as they are, without judgment.

You can practice on your own throughout the day to maintain your full attention. In this case, it is important to step on the brakes immediately when you find yourself starting to judge yourself. Try imagining a big stop sign the moment your thoughts start to get anxious. Then you say to yourself, “You don’t need to evaluate yourself right now. This is not a test. There is no need to constantly set goals that you want to achieve by the end of the day. You just have to live.’

Toxic people would really hate this mantra, but it will only help you love yourself even more. Toxic people don’t value you, so they don’t want you to value yourself. They do their best to ignore your needs and wants so that they can make sure you spend all your time on their needs and wants. To achieve this, they use intimidation. You are a complete being, a valuable person who deserves love and respect.

Stop walking on your toes and muster the courage to distance yourself from those toxic people in your life. Your true friends and loved ones will appreciate you for who you are and will never make you feel worthless or unimportant. The only thing worthless is exposing yourself to toxic people. Be happy from now on! You don’t have to wait anymore!

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