I Looked My Inner Demons In The Eye

I looked my inner demons in the eye

I looked my inner demons in the eye and discovered what fear was. That paralyzing fear that comes from within and takes hold so tightly that gasping for breath seems impossible. That state in which you feel as if you have been nailed to the ground and can’t take a step anymore.

Remember that you are most vulnerable when you become aware of what you really fear . However, in this vulnerability you can also find your strength because you discover what you really want.

That’s why I faced my inner demons, to face my fears. The goal was to stop them all.

My fear of failure, my fear of being alone, my fear of insecurity and my fear of rejection were no longer allowed to accompany me on my way. Instead, I would turn them into pillars strong enough to support my present and future.


I looked my inner demons in the eye and got to know myself

We are used to running away and pretending to be strong. We are also used to thinking that we can eliminate the monsters that torment us in our daily lives with a smile.

But by behaving this way, by trying to run away from our fears instead of confronting them, we end up making them stronger. If we keep doing this, our fears won’t let us go any further. In the dark, our demons grow and rule our lives.

When I looked my demons in the eye, I finally got to know myself and realized what my doubts were. This is how I discovered that we all have the same demons. I also discovered that the fear of uncertainty, that I can’t control everything, is everyone’s biggest fear.

I therefore decided to stop feeding my insecurities. No longer would I think about all the things that could go wrong or all the ways I could fail. Instead, I decided to rise like a phoenix from the ashes and fly, convinced that I could do something good, pleasant and desirable.

girl and phoenix

I looked my inner demons in the eye and rose from the ashes

That’s how I was able to face my inner demons and rise from the ashes. From then on I was the one who controlled everything I felt. I finally accepted that I couldn’t control what was happening around me. I have learned that life is a succession of uncontrollable and unpredictable events.

Fear is often nothing more than your own interpretation of what you are experiencing and over which you have no control. After you learn this, you will come alive. You will accept what life has in store for you and you will enjoy it all. You do this without allowing your inner demons to be fed by past negative experiences.

Now I know that I don’t have to be perfect and live a fairytale life. I also know not to give up and not to get carried away by my fears or shortcomings. In short, I’ve learned that I can be happy, even if I’m not perfect.

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