Looking For A Movie With A Powerful Message?

Indie film festivals aren’t the only places to look for films with a powerful message. There are entertaining and easy-to-watch movies that teach valuable lessons and make you feel good. In today’s article we will mention a few.
Looking for a film with a powerful message?

Do you think the only meaningful movies are obscure cult movies? Then think again. A great movie with a powerful message is not hard to find. In today’s article we give some recommendations. An entertaining and easy-to-watch movie can also be full of feelings and meaning.

You don’t necessarily have to go to indie film festivals to find films that spark your curiosity, challenge your values, appeal to your consciousness, and make you see or understand something from a new perspective.

But sometimes you want to watch something more than just for entertainment. You are looking for something that moves you, that is deep and full of feeling. Film buffs often think that these kinds of films can only be found outside of Hollywood and that you should, for example, dive into the work of directors like Andrei Tarkovsky or Jean-Luc Godard.

Just because a movie was made by a popular director or features famous actors, doesn’t mean the movie has no meaning. You can find complex but heartfelt films with a powerful message.

An entertaining tearjerker: Hachi, A Dog’s Tale (2009)

If this movie makes you cry harder than the endings of movies like Million Dollar Baby or Titanic , then you’re part of a select group of diehard animal lovers.

This movie is a sentimental gem. It shows how strong the bond between people and pets can be. Hachi, A Dog’s Tale (2009) is about the unconditional loyalty and love that dogs have for their owners. This is a beautiful, sincere tearjerker.

An entertaining film with a powerful message about social justice: Dirty Dancing (1987)

This iconic 80s dance movie is more than just a fun way to spend a few hours. Dirty Dancing deals with how empathy and humanity can overcome class differences and stereotypes.

You watch as a brave young woman (Jennifer Gray) asks her bourgeois doctor father to help a woman she barely knows with a major problem. While they’re at it, the characters show us that dancing and good vibes are more important than race and social class.

An Oscar-winning film with a powerful message: Parasite (2019)

Parasite is a film with several layers of depth. It’s a great movie. In fact, the plot hides a terrible truth. The film is a subtle but harsh critique of capitalism, social classes and the pitfall of meritocracy.

All you have to do is observe, understand and be surprised by a seemingly mundane story that fits well with the analogy it represents in certain scenes. In short, Parasite is an excellent and very entertaining film.

Entertaining and Mysterious: The Cider House Rules (1999)

Despite looking easy, this film covers some very ‘ugly’ topics. Michael Caine’s incredible acting brings this story to life. A story of abandoned children, troubled young mothers who no one wants to help and terrible family secrets hidden during cider season.

By the end of this wonderful movie, we know that there are princes in Maine who will never become kings, and usually the ones who make the rules aren’t the ones who follow them.

An Entertaining Historical Movie: Good Bye, Lenin! (2003)

You only have one mother, so take good care of her. Superbly played by Daniel Bruhl, this moving film is set in a historic moment of transition. The film has a humorous undertone, but it helps us understand a very important part of our history.

For example, you will understand how thousands of people put their desires on a symbolic and real wall, and that sometimes the most important thing to keep you alive is to believe in something, whether it suits you or not.

A Great Movie About Education: Dangerous Minds (1995)

This is a movie from the 90’s with a great soundtrack. Michelle Pfeifer stars as a young and beautiful teacher in a troubled school. At first it seems like a predictable film that doesn’t have much to offer, but it contains stories that are intertwined that give depth and meaning to the film.

The main conclusion of Dangerous Minds is that the smart/dumb and good/bad student dichotomy is worthless when young people live in extreme conditions. The film argues that education is much better at changing people’s reality than drugs or crime.

A film about the milliseconds that can change your life: Match Point (2005)

The frivolity of certain social environments and the hypocrisy of people are the common thread running through this Woody Allen film. It’s a story about passion, sensuality and something more difficult to understand and accept: the match point.

A few milliseconds can change your life forever. In those milliseconds you can’t decide whether or not what’s going to happen is right or right.

Entertainment, Love and Betrayal: Legends of the Fall (1994)

This is a good movie to watch if you are in the mood for a good movie. The soundtrack is spectacular and the central conflict is important.

If falling in love with your best friend’s partner is complicated, what would happen if it was your late brother’s fiancĂ©e? In Legends of the Fall the point is that you just can not act according to certain emotions, how sincere and powerful they are. That is a deep and often painful lesson.

A movie with a powerful message about real families: Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

A family goes on a trip so their daughter can enter a beauty pageant. The cast is wonderfully eccentric. We’ve got the little girl’s whimsical old grandpa.

In addition, we have her personal coach dad, who has theories of success that don’t even work for his own ventures. She has a brother who won’t talk, a gay uncle who is going through a creative crisis and a mother who just puts up with it all.

The journey and the competition show that there are no standards of beauty, happiness or success. At the end of the day, the main challenge is to be a happy family, not a perfect family.

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A fun movie about love (or not): (500) Days of Summer (2009)

The narrator warns you at the very beginning of the film that this is not a typical love story. A statement that is either true or false, depending on who you ask. If you’ve ever been part of an unrequited love story, this will seem like a very familiar, achievable situation.

(500) Days of Summer is a non-catastrophic take on how painful it can be to love someone who doesn’t feel the same way about you. However, the worst thing for this protagonist is that there is no logical reason for it, and all he can do is watch the seasons go by.

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Well, that was it. Watch these movies if you’re looking for some entertainment with some philosophical reflection. If you think there’s no such thing as a great movie with a powerful message, we think some of the above movies will make you change your mind.

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