Love Yourself Enough To Know When To Leave

Love yourself enough to know when to leave

If there’s one thing that’s hard, it’s knowing when to leave someone’s life and eventually become a cherished memory rather than an abhorred habit. Knowing how to say goodbye is the art of suffering, but also of learning.

According to a study published on, the main reason we decide to break up and end a relationship is the feeling of inequality within the couple, where the contributions of both are different and the pain is too intense. in proportion to what is in front of it.

In a loving relationship, love and suffering should never go hand in hand. This is not obvious to everyone, as the concept of “romantic love” still leads us to believe in these misconceptions. If you love yourself enough, then you shouldn’t allow yourself to go that far.

When leaving is the only option


A relationship, like any living organism, undergoes constant changes. Well, every opportunity is meant to strengthen the bond and allow us to get to know each other better without any of us losing too much. The relationship must flow.

Above all, love is a choice we make free. Sometimes, however, love is one of the main causes of human suffering. Before we get into this state of emotional pain, it is important that we know how to say goodbye at the right time so that the stretching of truly destructive situations can be avoided.

These are the main aspects that we should evaluate to understand that ‘leaving is our only option’.

  • Determine if the problem that led you to this situation has a solution.
  • In difficult times, it is imperative that both members of the relationship put in the same amount of effort. When one person offers their energy, their enthusiasm and their personal sacrifices, while the other just takes without giving anything back, the relationship is out of balance.
  • Try to project your current situation into the distant future. Do you think you would be happy if things were the same ten years from now?

If after these questions you realize that nothing is possible and that there is no solution, then you should muster all your strength to say goodbye, leave and close this personal and emotional chapter of grief.

Ideas that keep us from ending an emotional relationship


In a relationship, we hold onto certain misconceptions and emotions that, in the event of misfortune, keep us from being objective and facing reality. Always remember that being blind is not love, but just a delusion that we create ourselves.

The ideas that keep us from ending a relationship are actually many commas and a new paragraph that, far from saving the relationship, only stretch the unnecessary suffering, which erodes our self-esteem. It is therefore important that we consider the following concepts:

  • Avoid self-deception; things won’t always go the way we want. Think about it: you may have forgiven more than you needed to, to the point where you forgot where your boundaries were or said “we tried again” over and over, but it was never different…
  • The other will not change for you. In reality, people don’t change. It’s quite possible that they didn’t turn out to be the way you thought at the beginning and that’s something you should really take into consideration. No one changes their way of being overnight, no matter how much we would like to.
  • Suffering for love is not romantic or heroic. It’s a form of self-destruction. If you believe that having a partner means suffering and that it is normal to be in constant struggle, then you are wrong. Being a couple means knowing how to work on the relationship and how to love without suffering is an everyday practice.
  • Don’t be afraid to be alone. According to a study conducted at Brigham Young University in Utah, the fear of “being alone” is one of the greatest fears among the population. Many would rather be in bad company than in solitude. Never be fooled by this idea.
Being alone

Love yourself enough to know when to leave. Loneliness is always better than a relationship that limits our happiness and inner balance.

Love is not about giving everything and getting nothing in return. It’s about being aware of the fact that you deserve recognition and respect. To be loved and to love is an art; it is the ability to develop genuine affection.

Loving means truly understanding, acknowledging and assuming that people have just as many flaws as virtues… Read more »

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