Meet The Most Resilient Countries In The World

Meet the most resilient countries in the world

A new study tells us which countries in the world are the most resilient. It doesn’t matter where you come from. You are you. yet it is clear that certain “ingredients” help us develop more or less. Countries and cultures consist of these components. We can therefore classify countries as more or less resilient countries.

What is resilience?

Resilience is the ability to adapt to circumstances of adversity. Having a high degree of resilience means that a person has a greater ability to overcome complex situations.

This can be a result of their character (heredity) or of aids (learned). Resilient individuals show good stress management. Often they also have great self-confidence and a strong ability not to get frustrated.

Resilience is a very positive characteristic. After all, it causes an individual to use negative experiences as reinforcement. Overcoming a complicated experience gives people a lot of experience that they can use to their advantage in the future.

What is resilience

A study of the most resilient countries

This study uses the Global Resilience Index as a reference. This index evaluates nine factors divided into three categories. This determines the ability of a country’s inhabitants to recover from crises.

The questions relate to elements such as the risk of natural disasters, the country’s infrastructure, political stability, its values ​​and the degree of corruption.

Users must respond to issues such as their behavior when faced with change.

In other words, this index studies elements such as attitudes towards certain critical situations, emotional ups and downs, the ability to trust other people, their tolerance for criticism and their ability to overcome problems.

Meet the most resilient countries

It should be remembered that this test was conducted in a business context. However, it still shows a lot about the population of each country. Depending on how the residents of a country are, an international company can decide whether or not to conduct business in that country.


According to the results , Switzerland is the most resilient country in the world. After all, it has a high level of confidence in its economy, little fear of natural disasters, and a very high supply chain.

The results also show that Switzerland is extremely punctual in terms of rail and public transport. Moreover, the country proves to be very strong in confrontation with international crises.

Switzerland a resilient country


Norway ranks second among the most resilient countries. The level of economic and supply confidence is not as high as in Switzerland. Yet they have tremendous confidence in their composure when they have to respond to natural disasters.


Ireland takes third place. The residents show a great ability to respond to natural disasters. However, that is not so great when confronted with supply and economic issues.

Resilient Ireland

Other interesting data on resilient countries

Germany, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Denmark complete the top ten. Spain is in 25th place in the list. This may seem like a low score at first glance. Still, it’s not a bad result as more than 100 countries were surveyed.

Spain shows an interesting average in terms of economic response and natural disasters. However, this country’s view of corruption and its somewhat despondent attitude bring its score down.

Those studies showed that Venezuela is the least resilient country in the world. This country is prone to natural disasters and has a high degree of corruption. As a result, it deserved the last place. Together with Kazakhstan and the Dominican Republic, these formed the last three places.

In this ranking, we find that in the most resilient countries in the world, everything is focused on the economy and the business world. Do you agree with the results?

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