Meryl Streep, 17 Sayings Of An Amazing Woman

Meryl Streep, 17 Sayings from a Great Woman

Meryl Streep is a great actress, but most of all she has shown to be an admirable woman.  She has achieved great success and she attracts admirers wherever she goes. We are talking about an inscrutable woman, with a sobriety and a character that has made her irreplaceable in the heart of Hollywood and of her followers.

She has always remained herself and she has not changed according to the image or likeness of what you expect from a woman in the film industry. Her authenticity, her level-headedness, her sensitivity and her incomparable ability to interpret a role are the aspects that stand out most about Meryl Streep.


Numerous are the awards and recognitions she has received for her achievements and her career. Streep has received no less than 21 Oscar nominations, making her the woman who can write the most nominations for these awards. She has received them for her role in the films Kramer vs Kramer, Sophie’s Choice and The Iron Lady.

She has even received 30 nominations for the Golden Globes, of which she has actually won eight. In addition, in 2017 she received the Cecil B. de Mille Award for her entire body of work. Other major recognitions she has received include: three Emmy Awards, two SAG Awards, two BAFTA Awards and one prize at the Cannes Film Festival. As we can see, her professional reputation is impressive.

Meryl Streep

Private life

We know little about her private life since she married her current husband. That is very remarkable, considering that she moves in an environment where the tabloid press has very great power, capable of brutally glorifying people or dragging them into the abyss in their pursuit of gossip.

We know Meryl Streep loved John Cazale, who died of cancer in 1978. We know that she accompanied him at all times and that their relationship was stimulating and admirable to those who beheld them.

After a long and painful grieving process , Don Gummer appeared in her life, to change into her second and definitive love. Meryl Streep has always said that she’s not over the loss of Cazale, but that Gummer has taught her to see that life goes on and that part of the life path can also be great to explore. In her own way, in a different way.

17 sayings of Meryl Streep

Her criticism of Donald Trump or her defense of women’s rights shows us someone who is committed to what is happening on our planet. In these and other statements by Meryl Streep we find not only sensitivity, but also sobriety. Her lively gaze is transcendental and coherent, leaving her pronouncements a source of richness to whoever has heard them. Let’s look at some of them.

Number 1

“Let no one take away from my forehead the wrinkles that have come because of the wonder of the beauty of life. Or the ones around my mouth, which show how much I’ve laughed and how much I’ve kissed. Not even the bags under my eyes, therein lies the memory of how much I have cried. They are mine and they are beautiful.”

Number 2

“I no longer have patience for some things, not because I have become arrogant, but simply because I have come to a point in my life where I no longer want to waste time on everything I don’t like or what hurts me. does. I have lost patience for cynicism, jealousy, excessive criticism or demands of any kind. Also, I have lost the will to please the one who doesn’t like me, to love the one who doesn’t love me and to smile at the one who doesn’t smile back. I no longer want to spend a minute of my time on who is lying or trying to manipulate me or anyone else.”

Drawing of Meryl Streep's eyes

Number 3

“I have decided to stop living with haughtiness, hypocrisy, superficiality, dishonesty and cheap praise. I cannot tolerate selective erudition and academic arrogance. I can’t stand conflicts and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and for that reason I avoid people of rigid and adamant character.”

Number 4

“In friendships, I don’t like the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I definitely don’t get along with someone who can’t speak highly or who doesn’t know how to encourage people. Exaggerations bore me and I have a hard time accepting people who don’t like animals. And above all, I have lost patience for those who do not deserve my patience.”

Number 5

“My behavior is what represents me as a person, not my words.”

Number 6

“Immediate reward is not fast enough.”

Number 7

“My family comes above all else, it always has been and always will be.”

Number 8

“Don’t confuse having a college degree with having a good education. A diploma is a piece of paper, being well educated is answering when you are said good morning.”

Number 9

“The great gift of man is to possess the capacity for empathy.”

Black and white photo of Meryl Streep

Number 10

“Carry your beliefs with you in every area of ​​your life, take your heart to work and expect the best from everyone.”

Number 11

“In the end it’s about what you feel. Not what your mom told you, not what another actress told you, and not what everyone else has told you. But what that small but urgent voice in you is telling you.”

Number 12

“I’d rather be a rebel than a slave. I urge women to revolt.”

Number 13

“Some people are full of compassion and desire to do good, others simply don’t believe it will make a difference.”

Number 14

“If you have a brain, you are obliged to use it.”

Number 15

“You have to accept that you are getting older. Life is precious and when you have lost a lot of people, you realize that every day is a gift.”

Number 16

“Women: don’t worry about your appearance. That which makes you different or strange is precisely your strength.”

Number 17

“Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. Everything is limited to the essential.”

Number 18

“You have to keep doing what you’re doing. That’s the most important lesson I learned from my husband. He always says: go on, start at the beginning.

These are some of the important and intimate statements that Meryl Streep has left to society. Sharing her own thoughts with the rest of the world is a great act of generosity, they bear witness to simplicity, wisdom and confidence. 

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