Motion Generates Motion

Movement produces movement

There are many reasons why we remain “static” and unfortunately there are certain circumstances or moments in our lives that oblige us to remain so.

There are times when life seems to pause or times when our dreams seem so much more distant and impossible than when we saw them clearly.

We’re all fighting for something or someone (or for both at the same time), but how can we know if we’ve arrived where we wanted to be?

There are some signs that are passed on to us. In fact, it seems that happiness is a ephemeral and fleeting emotion that is diluted the moment our brains say, “yes, but…” This sadness, in the right measure, is also necessary to appreciate good moments.

Road to your Goal

Every step is necessary

Every decision involves giving up something  and perhaps we will always be left with doubts about what it might be like if we had continued on the road we left. But what if leaving this road was not in vain, but necessary to get to where we are today?

It seems that we are used to pursuing goals so that when we achieve one satisfactorily, we feel happy and complete.

However, soon after achieving our goal, our mind injects us with new doubts and concerns that make us question whether it was really a major achievement or just a failed attempt. Will we never be satisfied with ourselves?

Movement is important, but excessive movement toward an abstract goal becomes obsessive and damaging to our self-esteem  and can also affect our world view and relationships.

Every small step we take is important. There are many reasons to think that the law of cause and effect is the result of small actions we performed and that, in most cases, we did not know where we were going. They were simply little breadcrumbs that we left behind without realizing it. But believe me, every step has been a determining factor in our life process.


We tend to say that ‘life takes many turns’, but in reality life only turns when we move the wheel.

It is impossible to change our world at home from the couch, but it is also impossible to achieve our destiny if we make excessive and excessive demands on ourselves. The secret, as always, is to find a middle ground.

Now think of all those things you once thought you would never do or have. How did you get them? By longing to get them, yes, but also without even realizing it. These things are achievements that we have already delivered and we should not underestimate that.

Movement is the step from potential to action

There are many things that we would like to do, but will only stay in our minds forever because we are afraid. We envision a disastrous future ravaged by uncertainty, irreparable damage and expected failure. This happens when we are faced with small steps as well as big and vital challenges.

In the first case, there is a solution: do it. In the second case, there is another solution: be patient and keep your feet on the ground. Indeed, it is quite likely that we will fail in the short term when faced with extremely difficult challenges. Perhaps you can try to achieve such challenges in life through small steps.

You will have a thousand and one excuses for not doing something and your fears will be only too happy to look for reasons to back up your assumption, but have you ever really put it to the test?

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