Old Age Wrinkles Our Skin, But Lack Of Enthusiasm, Our Soul

Old age wrinkles our skin, but lack of enthusiasm, our souls

Enthusiasm is the energy that puts us in and on the trail of happiness; it’s the splattering passion to both follow and trust our most daring ambitions and the lure of our hearts. Living from this resilience and vitality also includes an attitude of hope and openness to whatever may come our way.

In our daily lives, we often fall for the temptation of comfort, of fixed, safe routines – thus creating predictable monotony. Our intrinsic motivation flattens, shows signs of mediocrity, and we become more and more entangled in a self-spun web of chronic uneasiness and dissatisfaction. However, our potential – for inner joy and fulfillment – ​​lies in continuing to face positive challenges. That inspiration and aspiration, that inspiring enthusiasm, is also the source of holistically experienced self-esteem.

As children, we naturally had the ability to prioritize our predilections because they brought us satisfaction, and to reliably protect ourselves from the things that frightened us. We went on an adventure – full of wonder – surpassed ourselves, and became spontaneously fascinated by the world around us. As the years go by, we seem to slowly lose that gift and that sensitivity. Although – fortunately – somewhere in us, there is always a glimmer of zest that shines, and the spark that can set us on fire again never quite dies out.

Living with, and from, enthusiasm

A robust elated mood is neither innate nor genetically determined; on the contrary, it has more to do with your attitude. Rather, it is a virtue, a mentality, which you can therefore learn to cultivate. The examples – good, bad or average – that we have had around us in our childhood (think of teachers, friends, family, peers, etc.) greatly influence our development, including our specific worldview.


Have you ever focused on, or even observed live , how your father and mother – in general, and in all kinds of (concrete) situations – deal with ups and downs in their lives? It is absolutely possible that you have been able to free yourself from their characteristic patterns of action and reaction, but you have – inevitably – been infected by them or with them . Their so-called ‘coping mechanisms’ remain latent, in the background or underground of our psyche. That is why we – as (young) adults – need to be very acutely aware of the choices we make, and why. So that we can face stress, setbacks and problems in a different, more constructive way, and we will solve them.

By living with enthusiasm you become an existential explorer: curious, and with an open mind, you face the future with high hopes. You welcome emotions from all walks of life, and are not afraid to experiment, to appeal to your inventive nature. Do you consider yourself an enthusiastic person? If so, then you probably have a unique and creative perspective on your environment; you see original details everywhere, take the time to reflect subjectively on the impressions you receive without prejudice, and enjoy the subtlest surprises that life presents or throws in your lap – free of charge and for nothing.

Shaking off the skepticism

By internalizing enthusiasm into sustainably optimistic disposition and disposition, we become less susceptible to internal or external complaining, to negativity, and to destructive cynicism. By visualizing a future favorable to us from within, we actually see more opportunities ahead, and we seize them energetically. It generates great faith in ourselves, to reach our dreamed destination.

Thanks to such confidence, cherish it, we are resourceful and resilient enough to weather and weather any headwind – from one to nine, and even a storm or hurricane. This is in line with Albert Bandura’s theory of ‘self-efficacy’: an auto-perceptual gauge of belief. That is to say: to what extent you believe that you (really) believe that you can and will (and should) get this or that done.

Our motivation is closely related to both our convictions and our expectations of what we can achieve at all – on our own strength. We plant our feet firmly in the ground of a well-informed sense of reality, clearly discern the different perspectives on the garden of our existence , and judge its fruitfulness based on the inner raw materials and tools available to us.

Enthusiasm as a teacher

As we mentioned earlier, in this article, enthusiasm is not just a noun, but a way of looking at life, an optimistic interpretation of your circumstances that helps you get motivated and overcome trials. Although enthusiasm can be rooted to a greater or lesser extent – ​​naturally – in our personality, or as an inherited character trait, it can certainly be learned and trained : for example through affective meditation.


By approaching every experience, and every event progressively: as a wise lesson, as an opportunity for growth and enrichment, we can develop an infectiously enthusiastic attitude that makes everything shine. A glow – or a glow – that shines from us, not necessarily from the things themselves. Misery and difficulties become less dark, less heavy: from half empty to half full. We don’t get discouraged so easily, and enthusiastically take up the challenge to proactively improve the status quo.

Enthusiasm is also a testimony to our ability to love. If you penetrate deeply enough into the immediate, pure experience of what is happening to you, or is happening to you, you will find an indescribable beauty there, no matter how many layers of mud you had to go through to reveal it. The greatest milestones and breakthroughs in human history have their true origin in unbridled enthusiasm. Therein lies, and from, the desire to endlessly surpass ourselves, to constantly push our limits and make new discoveries.

Let’s learn from children; to let the enthusiasm flow freely again – from within. And from this desire, keep discovering new things forever!

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