Relationships Develop When They Are Devoted To Conscious Growth

Relationships develop when they are dedicated to conscious growth

Romantic relationships are going through a significant change, at least on a conceptual level. The truth is that the current paradigm is not working. Many people are unhappy with their relationship but don’t know how to make it work, because  most traditional methods of organizing experiences and feelings within these contexts are outdated.

However, what should these changes mean to have a satisfying relationship? When traditional norms crumble, something new generally takes their place. With regard to relationships, the new emerging view is the conscious relationship.

The problem with traditional relationships

Are you in love or are you just in  a relationship? The latter is too common in traditional relationships. Many of us have learned that love is designed for personal fulfillment and that you have to work on the relationship, based on the couples we see around us and in movies and reality shows.

Relationships Growth

In general, we maintain relationships by adapting to the other. But over time, you lose the sense of who you are because of what you had to do to keep the relationship. During this process, many people turn into someone else, and too often they are not the person they want to be.

In addition  , people in traditional relationships are so preoccupied with pleasing others that they suppress their own instincts,  feelings, desires, aspirations, and even fears and apprehensions.

A new love paradigm: the conscious relationship

Most current romantic relationships start out as an adventure, a way to have fun. During this process, the partners get to know each other and the relationship progresses. And yes, having a relationship purely for pleasure seems to be a trend, but sooner or later people start looking for more because simply having fun is no longer enough.

The difference between a traditional relationship and a conscious relationship is the focus of the work. In a conscious relationship, both people feel committed to each other for a purpose. This is the goal to grow, both on a personal level and on a relationship level.

Many people seek romantic relationships to meet their own personal needs. This can be continued for a while but then the relationship will fail, resulting in dissatisfaction.

But  when two people unite with the intention of growing together, the relationship will turn into something so much greater than personal gratification. It will be a fascinating journey of evolution, in which both people have the opportunity to grow individually, instead of forsaking their own needs to please the other.

How to develop a conscious relationship

Despite all the difficulties that may arise, the good news is that  it is possible for a couple to move from a traditional ideology to a conscious relationship. Of course, conscious relationships don’t come out of nowhere. First you have to get to know each other and have different experiences. You can’t fall in love with someone you don’t know, or you’re simply trying to project the idea of ​​love onto someone else.

Another thing that makes a conscious relationship different is  living in the now and being aware of what is happening. This perspective is necessary not only for an enriching relationship, but also to take full advantage of every moment and grow as a person.

The most important thing is growth

Not being attached to the results of the relationship doesn’t mean you don’t care what happens. Nor does it mean that you have no expectations. It just means you’re more committed to experiencing growth as the driving force behind the relationship.

Relationships Growth

For we are all here to grow physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and  romantic relationships should promote this growth. And both partners should grow together, because if this doesn’t happen, then the relationship is meaningless.

Both have their own individual responsibility

In every relationship, the wounds of the past come to light in one way or another. In traditional relationships, it is assumed that one partner should compensate for the other person’s shortcomings, fill the empty spaces, and provide the  happiness and love that the other person lacked. But conscious relationships are different.

The purpose of romantic relationships is not to make each other happy, but to make each other aware. The other person is not there to give you what you lack, but to help you find it. Others are not there to fill your empty spaces or to expect you to.

The conscious couple is willing  to discover and accept both old and current problems because these types of couples know they can evolve into a new reality. Yet it is necessary to take responsibility for your own feelings and beliefs, without burdening the other person with a task that you are unable to accomplish yourself.

Relationships are there to practice love

Love  is the practice of acceptance, forgiveness, bringing presence and opening your heart even when you are most vulnerable. However, we often treat love as a destination. This implies that you are dissatisfied with relationships that do not reach this point. But in reality, love is a journey and an exploration.

The conscious relationship is deeply committed to embodying and practicing love. Thus, the love can manifest itself in unimaginable ways in the couple’s life and relationship.

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