Seven Of The Best Books On Meditation

Seven of the best books on meditation

Meditation does not mean separating yourself from the world. Actually, it means the exact opposite. Because it means getting closer to the world. You learn to understand, love and change the world. In this article we present you a number of books on meditation. They teach you how to do this. So read on and take advantage of all the benefits this art has to offer our health.

Meditation is a technique that is becoming popular again as a way to deal with stress, to be focused and to clear our thoughts. It is also an incredibly effective tool for keeping the body and mind in perfect balance.

We all meditate in one way or another, even without being aware of it. That is why conscious learning to meditate can be even better for you. For meditation is one way we listen to the inner voice of our soul. Let’s dive a little deeper into this topic…

7 books about meditation

Being nobody going nowhere

This is one of the largest in the series of books on meditation. It is a classic in contemporary Buddhist literature. Ayya ​​Khema was a Buddhist nun and teacher. She has been very committed to the integration of women in the practice of Buddhism.

She has set up centers all over the world. After teaching the way of the Buddha in the west for many years, she designed this manual. In the book, she explains the basics of Buddhism in a simple modern way.

She goes deeper into  karma  and highlights the difficulties we can face while meditating. Plus, she explains how to do it. Read this book and learn the basics of meditation.

Meditate on the beach at sunset thanks to the knowledge from books about meditation

The most direct means to eternal bliss

This book is by Michael Langford and was initially titled The Imposter (a reference to the ego). The book was number one on the list of best-selling books. Perhaps that is why many consider it the bible on meditation.

It contains thirteen fairly short chapters. In it, the writer explains step by step what self-examination entails. So it’s just a manual. The language is different but pleasant. In this way he explains in a simple way how we can stop suffering and enjoy life.

This is one of the most recommended books on meditation for dealing with our ego problems. It also helps us direct extreme fear of things that are really not worth it. It urges us to put this inner energy into concentration and self-examination.


Vicente Merlo knows how to turn a book into something more than just a comprehensive guide to meditation. The most valuable aspect of his book is without a doubt the fact that it is so practical. The educational nature of this book is the result of the author’s dedication and experience in teaching meditation courses.

It first goes very deeply into the most fundamental aspects of Buddhism and Hinduism. The common thread is always meditation. In each chapter he guides the reader through the meditation exercises so that we can put the lessons into practice and become stronger.

Arriving at your own door: 108 teachings in mindfulness

Mindfulness has recently become more popular. But actually it is a meditation technique that has been practiced for years. In this book, Jon Kabat-Zinn offers us “practical lessons about wisdom and compassion.”

This is definitely one of the books on meditation that we think you should read if self-care is important to you. The guidelines in this book will help you embark on a journey that will change you both inside and out in a profound, complete and healing way.


The heart of Buddhist meditation: the Buddha’s way of mindfulness

Nyanaponika Thera has published this book to explain the Buddha’s path to mindfulness (Satipatthana). Her book is based on the belief that the continuous practice of mindfulness is the only way to train and develop the mind in a simple, direct, thorough and effective way.

The author provides a guide for those just starting out on the path to understanding Buddhist teachings. In addition, she also gives practical guidelines on how to apply meditation in your daily life.

Teach yourself to meditate: about 20 exercises for peace, health & clarity of mind

You actually have to understand the origins of meditation if you want to practice it. But if you are a lazy reader, then we recommend this book. In this book Eric Harrison describes some very basic exercises with simple explanations. He starts from the idea that if we can understand what the practice of meditation actually is, it becomes incredibly simple.

Meditate on a lake thanks to the knowledge from books about meditation

Full catastrophe living: how to cope with stress, pain and illness using mindfulness meditation

Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches us how to find emotional balance when we feel like the world is collapsing on top of us. His book shows us that it is possible to live well even in the most complicated situations. But how?

For example, if you suffer from extreme stress, anxiety or depression, he encourages you to use certain exercises based on meditation and yoga. His technique relies on the coordination of body and mind so that you can find balance and stimulate well-being and healing.

The variety in meditation books is as great as the benefits of this practice. Meditating rests your mind, balances your life and relaxes your consciousness. It detaches you from ‘reality’, develops your self-awareness and promotes your concentration. It’s a way to find genuine happiness.

So pick a book and dive in!

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