Sometimes You Have To Retreat For A While

Sometimes you just have to take a break

In this age of globalization, taking a break or breaking out of your routine seems almost impossible, especially in relation to your work. Balancing the time we spend on work and leisure may seem irrelevant to us.

Irrelevant because not taking the time to think about it explicitly. But the truth is that this leads to an accumulation of stress that, in the long run, turns into tenseness. And with this tension comes the worrisome effects on our health.

Paradoxically, when we cling to our work, we sabotage our lives in favor of this obsession. When we become mentally exhausted, we become less efficient and perform worse. So the more we work, the worse we perform. Our frustration grows and the important decisions we have to make are postponed or made with less care.

But it is important not only to take a break from work, but also from the technological bombardments  that we sometimes experience in our daily lives. Today we have a different perspective on social relationships. This generates an artificial need to stay constantly connected. That need to always be available fuels an insecurity in people when they are forced to rid themselves of their gadgets. Therefore, this behavior can ultimately affect our emotional well-being.

Woman With Rainbow On Her Eye

Withdraw from new technologies

Few people are really aware of how important it is to have free time. Unless you practice the art of relaxation, your job will become too stressful. Work can eventually turn into an addiction. And like any addiction, it will also have negative consequences. This is why it is so important for you to know how sometimes you can disconnect from it all and retreat.

New technologies have improved the way we communicate and the flow of information. But technology has also contributed to the deterioration of our quality of life and health. This is the conclusion that many researches within the field of modern medicine and psychology have come to.

Of course, instant communication also offers a huge advantage, but this does not alter the fact that it is also a form of slavery. New technology, and social networks in particular, are completely swallowing us up. They make it difficult to set boundaries between our personal world and our professional world.

Your health and your work

In relation to your health, you know  to withdraw yourself if you experience the following: chronic fatigue, lack of energy and exhaustion. Our concentration is reduced and, as a whole, this means that we are much less efficient in the activities we perform. Often our psychological state manifests itself in physical symptoms, in the form of skin disorders or gastrointestinal diseases or constant headaches.

In this case, rest is the only formula you need to solve your problems. Free time is the perfect opportunity to disconnect from work and take care of activities that help you relax. To find out if it’s time for you to disconnect, you might want to start by evaluating your sleep habits. That is, evaluate whether you are getting enough sleep and whether your sleep is of good quality.

Girl Hanging Her Head Out Of The Car Window

Improving this aspect will give your life a different direction and you will  notice a noticeable difference in no time , both physically and mentally. In addition, the benefits that you can reap will be very large, because less stress builds up in your system. You will stop the exhaustion that takes a toll on your health. In addition, you will also be able to restore your energy and resources, which will help you perform better at work and socially.

It is a must for us to set aside some time to rest, have fun and do activities that we enjoy the most. If you are only concerned with your mundane tasks, it will eventually undermine your creativity.

Tips for withdrawing

To withdraw, keep the following in mind:

  • Laughing and having fun should be at the top of your to-do list. These are fundamental ingredients to get the most and the best out of yourself. Working during your rest time could give you a false sense of productivity. While in reality you are really only destroying your creativity, motivation and energy.
  • Work and leisure are equally important. The economic crisis that is present in many countries makes us afraid of losing our jobs. And this makes us work even harder. However, you should set limits on the time you devote to your job. Therefore, the time you spend unnecessarily on your job needs to be balanced with the free time that you can take advantage of during the weekends.
Footprint In The Sand
  • We need to learn how to delegate tasks, as well as how to prioritize our activities. Especially when we have a management position, it is our job to trust our team. If we don’t, we’re taking on a workload that we can’t possibly sustain in the long run. It is therefore important to schedule rest time, especially if it is spent on outdoor activities.
  • In order to enjoy our free time, it is best to put devices such as a mobile phone or a computer next to you for a while. These kinds of devices will ruin everything. When the mind is freed from the pressure and all that excessive work, it can create freely. This also allows you to think about ideas more clearly and with a greater sense of calm, to tackle any problem.

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