Spoiling Children With These Ten Commandments

Pamper children with these ten commandments

Nowadays, raising children has become so complicated that you always have the option of spoiling them. This method is much easier, although it may also be much more expensive. But how can we know if we are spoiling our children or not? Which way should I choose: educate or pamper? The choice, of course, is up to the parents, guardians, educators, and even society at large. We will not stress the importance of television in children’s education, which is sometimes greater than it seems, so as not to make this article any longer.

We will also not focus on the discussions about whether some actions are good or bad in the education of children. No, we will try to keep our distance in order to give objective rules. Behaviors that you can practice in raising your children, if you want to spoil them.

The ten commandments to spoil your children

While there are many ways to spoil your children, there are also ten rules that are as simple as the Ten Commandments. If you follow them, no matter how unhappy you feel, you will achieve your desired goal.

Emilio Calatayud

Emilio Calatayud, the well-known judge, leaves these commandments for posterity: (we made some changes to enrich the article).

  1. Start by giving your child everything he asks for during childhood. In this way he becomes convinced that he owns the whole world and has the right to do what he wants. Whenever and however he wants to do it.
  2. Don’t worry about their ethical or spiritual upbringing. Wait until they are old enough to choose for themselves. They will, of course, learn the values ​​that no one has taught them and put them into practice.
  3. If your child uses naughty words, laugh at it! This will encourage him to say even funnier things. By encouraging the use of naughty words and naughty actions, your child is sure to become an acclaimed person later on. And we all know that everyone loves a clown.
  4. Don’t punish them or tell them that what they are doing is wrong. This can create a complex sense of guilt for the child. No one wants their child to feel guilty, even if they do something wrong. It’s best to buy them toys and hope it doesn’t happen again.
  5. Clean up everything they leave lying around for them: books, shoes, clothes, toys. In this way he becomes accustomed to handing over his responsibility to others. Even when he gets married, he knows who has to clean up the house.
  6. Let him read everything he comes across. Make sure his dishes, silverware, and glasses are sterilized, but it doesn’t matter if his mind is dirty. Let him watch television and play on his console all day.
  7. Often argue with your partner in front of the child. That way he won’t be hit if the family falls apart one day, perhaps because of his own behavior.
  8. Give your child all the money he wants to spend. Don’t let him develop the idea that you have to work to make money. That way, children don’t get the idea of ​​looking for an independent life in which they can take care of themselves.
  9. Satisfy all your child’s desires, be it food, material things and fun. Sacrifice and austerity can create frustrations that will disrupt their future personality.
  10. Always side with your child when it comes to conflicts with their teachers and neighbors. Remember that all those people are prejudiced against your child and just want to bother him. How can you even think that your child could be lying if ‘your child always speaks the truth’.
Little Boy Crying Hard

Education is the foundation for adult persons

As we said at the beginning, we can see parenting as a more or less complicated task, but it usually doesn’t make responsible adults if we don’t set boundaries from an early age. Let’s not forget that much of the foundation of who they will be in the future is already established during childhood. Good or bad.

These were the keys to spoiling your child. Hopefully you have understood the irony and sarcasm in this article. If you don’t follow these rules, your kids will become better people. And if your child is already a criminal, don’t forget to proclaim that ‘you couldn’t have done anything to help him anyway’.

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