The Amazing Power Of Words

The amazing power of words

In 2004, Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto conducted a study to demonstrate the power of words. The experiment involved cooking rice and dividing it into three equal-sized containers. One of the holders had a positive label, another a negative and the last a neutral label.

For a month he addressed positive and pleasant words to the rice with the positive label. He did the opposite with the pot with the negative label. Against that pot he used insults, contempt, indifference and hatred. By the end of the month, the rice that had received the pleasant positive messages had preserved its appearance much better. It also didn’t give off a bad smell. But the pot that had received the unpleasant words and insults was full of mold, which had turned the rice black and smelled foul.

The power of words

This shows the power of words and of the messages we convey. If this is already happening with simple foods like rice, how more of an effect does it have on the people around us with whom we interact on a daily basis?

The experiment is perhaps just a form of pseudoscience. Nor do we intend to take it as something that is completely true and scientific. But it does convey a message. For we can use it to discover the miraculous power of words, both written and spoken.

The importance of the language we use

The language we use makes us see reality in many different ways. We can say ‘this is impossible to achieve’. That’s so different from saying ‘it may be hard but I should at least try’. When we use or communicate our messages in a different way, the idea we had and what we think about it can completely change. It all comes down to the power of words.

Power of words

It is important that we realize that it is often not about  what  they tell us, but  how  they tell us. Words have the power to change what we think. They can offer us a new way of seeing what is in front of us. But above all, they have the wonderful ability to provide relief and tranquility.

This has nothing to do with an artificial use of language just so that we would change what we think and move from ‘I can’t do it’ to ‘I will do it’ . But rather it is about realizing the power of words. Then we can stop using expressions that only cause trouble. For we must stop using words like “always”, “never”, I must”, “I should” , and start using expressions that will help us. Here’s an example: ” I may never have been able to do this before, but today is a brand new day and I’m going to try my best.”

Let’s rewrite our own story

Language is a wonderful tool that can help shape our minds and ideas. Let’s write the script of our own life ourselves. We can write a screenplay full of power and messages that encourage us and don’t limit us. It can be very easy to do this. But the difference between putting it into practice or not is very big.

Let’s try to change the words we say to others and to ourselves. For we can find those words that are appropriate and positive. Maybe we just need to change the way we say them, or maybe just the content. If they help us, inspire us and do us good, then they are the right words. On the contrary, we can also see how words drain our power, limit us and do not help us at all. They can even hurt others. In this case, we need to ask ourselves whether we should change the way we speak to ourselves.

If we can see the power of words on rice, just imagine the effect on the people around us. When we form our words, we have, literally on the tip of our tongue, the power to treat other people well or badly. In exactly the same way, we have power over our own lives. In life we ​​have to make many choices. One of the most important choices is how we use the power of words.

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