The Art Of Waking Up Cheerful

The art of waking up cheerful

During our sleep we have no control over our emotions and therefore it is extra important to pay conscious attention to your mood as soon as you wake up again. Whatever morning or day of the week, what matters is your attitude toward the first challenge that crosses your path in the early morning.

Realize that your mood and attitude at that moment is leading for the rest of the day. In the morning you decide what you want, can and must get done today. That is why we present here a real step-by-step plan that will help you to greet the start of your day with as much enthusiasm as possible.

Open Curtains

Ways to wake up in a better mood

Getting up in a bad mood is difficult to turn 180 degrees, but fortunately it depends on several factors. You can overcome a negative mood as best you can by developing healthy habits.

  • Your alarm clock is the key. We all know people who expressly set their alarm clock two hours early, put it under their pillow and then hit the snooze button every 10 minutes. A clever approach that will save you a lot of aggravation is to put your alarm clock somewhere out of reach so that you literally have to get out of bed to silence the device.
  • Blink as much and often as you need to. Having trouble opening your eyes early in the morning is an effective trick for waking up and staying!
  • Get everything in order before going to bed. If getting up early is hard for you and you get stressed and in a bad mood from having to prepare for the day while still half asleep, make sure you prepare everything tip-top the night before. Then you don’t have to go into top gear immediately at dawn. No thinking, no rushing.
  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Don’t leave your house without having breakfast first. It has been shown that eating a healthy breakfast, at your leisure (take your time) and the right foods, has been shown to have a much more productive day than if you don’t.
  • Remember the good things of yesterday and thus increase your sense of well-being. If you accidentally spill your coffee, your alarm clock didn’t go off, you arrive late for work, or something else happens that causes some bitterness, think about what made you feel good yesterday. Focus on that and don’t succumb to negativity.

Heralds of a bad morning mood

Everyone knows that getting out of bed on the wrong foot does not have just one cause and that it affects both men and women. You are certainly not the only one suffering from this; almost everyone has it at some point. Above all, what prevents you from getting up in a good mood is:

  • A lack of sleep : Sleep remains a basic need and provides us with much-needed rest. If you don’t get enough sleep (around 7-8 hours a night), it immediately undermines your mood. And you will notice that too. In general, your work schedule also determines how much you sleep.
Alarm clock
  • Your innate character: Some studies explain this using a metaphor. Just as there are owls and larks in the animal kingdom, there are also so-called morning and evening people. One is much more active in the morning, the other in the evening.
  • Excessive worrying : those who carry heavier burdens and bear a lot of responsibility usually have more headaches. This can disrupt the normal sleep cycle, with chronic sleep deprivation as a harmful consequence.

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