The Birth Of Your Baby Is A Real Treasure

The birth of your baby is a true treasure

The birth of your baby is a real treasure, because you finally have the fruit of the great love that a human being feels for life.

The arrival of a baby

A child should always be a fruit of love. When two people love each other wholeheartedly, they decide to give birth to the fruit of that unity. This is crystallized in the birth of the child which symbolizes all that is beautiful in the relationship.

However, we are not saying that the love between two people means that there is a child in the world  should be.

If you want human life with all your strength, wish with your soul to record your way in this world and admire the world of children and all their idiosyncrasies and wonders, the arrival of a little one in your life will be one of the greatest are joys.

A child should always be wanted. Giving birth is a natural act that perpetuates the human species, but it is not purely evolutionary. People love to give meaning to everything, we have the power to make the arrival of a child a symbol of all that is good and beautiful about us.

Mother and child

Your baby is born

When your baby is born, make sure you love him or her every day as if it were the last day. He comes into the world with the innocence of knowing nothing. We are its parents, caretakers and protectors. We must form the shield between his consciousness and all the bad and negative around us.

Our mission, in addition to loving these little ones reverently, is to impart passion to them so that they want to learn and explore. A child has a real gift for making things easier, incredible and new.

For your child, everything we teach, no matter how simple and simple it may seem, is a true discovery. Think of a pirate finally finding the treasure he’s always been looking for. Everything is magical, mysterious and surprising to them. There is a world full of things to see and learn.

Break with negativity

However, it is extremely important to put aside anything that is negative and that can negatively influence their learning process. There will still be time enough to discover pettiness and human misery. During the first years of their lives, let’s offer our treasures our love, our affection and our ability to show how beautiful the world is.

A child is a legacy. Our way of being, our upbringing, our genes and our attitude towards life are ultimately reflected in our little one’s habits. Do we really want them to inherit misery, meanness, and unhappiness?

A child who begins to discover his world and environment is happy. He vibrates with everything he touches, no matter how simple it may be. Of course we can’t stop time so it will always stay that way, but we do have the ability to create a world for them with people who allow them to live in an environment of peace, love, kindness and respect.

Happy Child

The world of children

We live in a world that can be painful and harsh at times, but our children should not pay for our mistakes.

We need to reflect their innocence and the passion they have for life every day. They are our fruit, our treasures. Our mission is to prevent them from growing up in an unhappy, overly competitive and morbid atmosphere.

If we take a closer look at the happy innocence of children, we as adults can learn much more from them than they can from us. They walk around with a smile every day. They are passionate about the butterfly that flies and thoroughly enjoy the taste of chocolate ice cream. Don’t you miss the beauty of the simplest things?

Our treasures should be protected and loved more than anything in the world. They are the most beautiful thing the human being can create. They are the life and innocence that love us unconditionally every day. And our mission is to return that love with all our strength.

Never forget that the birth of your baby is a true treasure. There is very little in life that is more beautiful and more important. Enjoy them and take care of them because they are beautiful.

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