The Emotional Legacy Of Grandmothers, The Wisest Women

The emotional legacy of grandmothers, the wisest women

My grandmothers are the wisest women. Their legacy will be passed down from generation to generation in the knowledge they have shared, in the bond of love they have created and in those smiles that tell of worlds without uttering a word.

Not only do the wisest women experience a thousand lives in each of their years, they know more about overcoming difficulties than any self-help book. For it is the wisdom of courage and unconditional love that demands nothing; instead, it enriches and protects.

The legacy of our previous generations, of our grandmothers, is the testimony of women who have left their legacy of blood and affection. Sometimes contradictory, but always intense and decisive.

Today let’s talk about a bond that has been woven through three generations: grandmothers, mothers and daughters, and in particular the role of the former, which is often of great emotional significance.

The invisible bond of the wisest women

It is often said that grandmothers are the most skilled craftsmen of that knowledge that is passed on without words.

We often find them fascinated by precious rituals, by organizing their things, by caring for our clothes, by preparing those delicious meals. By braiding their gray hair every morning, then making it into a bun with subtle precision.

In each of their movements we see not only the years of experience, but also the silence of the emotions of a whole life that is in every gesture and every small movement.


For we will never really know all the secrets they experienced in their youth,  or the sorrow they had or the disappointments they swallowed like cold river stones. Because it doesn’t matter anymore, because time has passed and their wounds are healed.

They have passed on to their daughter the knowledge of their lives, of courage and truths that transcend time. The advice to be careful in love. The wisdom that the heart should not be given away to one who does not deserve it. The lesson that there are certain kinds of sadness about which it is best not to remain silent and that joy that must be displayed with pride. Because these are personal triumphs that make every woman beautiful.

The education of the wisest women

Experts often tell us that raising children is not the same as raising grandchildren. They say that grannies have a more relaxed and important role.

Mother and daughter

Grandmas no longer have that pressure of guiding the intricacies of the child’s life. Grandchildren are the gifts of their blood and a renewed tribute to their lives. And they will love those grandchildren unconditionally and leave  the role of guiding and setting boundaries to their children.

Grandmas offer the steadfastness of trees that provide roots to their grandchildren  and the balance of an affection that knows no storms and doesn’t distinguish between vacation and school days.

There is always something delicious in the oven. There is always a seat available by the window from which they look at the sky and retell thousands of stories from the past, which they always remember with joy.

The intergenerational legacy of grandmothers, those brave women with sincere looks, often speaks of resilience. Looking at their faces, we immediately feel that they have overcome things that we can only imagine. That they have faced battles in which their gender was still not respected. That they have learned to raise their voices when asked to be quiet and that they may have given up on many of their dreams.

Dreams they projected onto us, their grandchildren one day. Excited hope that nourished their hearts. But no love is more sincere than the love of these older women. Of these wisest women…

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