The Healing Power Of Emotional Words

The healing power of emotional words

Emotional language is a way of expressing feelings and emotions and at the same time it is a channel that connects you to another person.

The world of emotions

In affection, our feelings are expressed in words and also non-verbally. Through words and gestures, affection is always accompanied by emotions; the emotion that allows us to reinforce these sensitive words.

We can define “affection” as all the ways we express ourselves to someone else to show how we feel for them. And it is precisely the sensitive expression that determines the nature and depth of the relationship and what importance the relationship has for both parties.


It is true that we have not been taught to communicate in this way. In many cases, we don’t use this sensitive way of communicating because we don’t think it’s important. However, it is essential for human relationships.

Using words in emotional relationships will fill the relationship with feeling, hope, and meaning. Other forms of communication, while interesting perhaps, will not affect us emotionally as deeply as these words.

It’s hard to express affection

When we have feelings for someone else and express these feelings, we change the relationship and make the relationship special.

However, it is often difficult, strange, unusual and sometimes even ridiculous to do this. Usually we have learned not to expose our inner self and to keep our feelings hidden. We were told that this would be a sign of weakness and suffering.

The difficulty we experience in expressing affection is therefore based on a misconception about what ’emotional strength’ is, as well as the lack of ’emotional literacy’. Based on this misconception and lack, we have learned how to express our feelings and maintain our emotions.

The pain caused by not expressing yourself

Because we are not properly taught and because we have these wrong beliefs, we often tend to pretend to be stronger and less sensitive than we really are  and ignore our feelings because we think we are less self-conscious in this way. exposing ourselves to the pain and suffering caused by the people who hurt us.

However, we will feel pain when we do not express our feelings or when we are in a relationship with someone who does not express their feelings.

The power of emotional words

If we had learned to use emotional words from childhood, we would have discovered the power of those words. Both by hearing the words and by expressing them yourself. These words give us the power to reveal our inner self and connect ourselves emotionally with someone else.

If we closed our eyes and heard the following:

  • ‘I love you’
  • ‘I feel special by being with you’
  • ‘I’m happy with you’
  • ‘You are the most special person I know’
  • ‘I feel good when you listen to me’
  • ‘I feel important by listening to you’
  • ‘I’m glad I met you’
  • ‘I feel peaceful next to you’
  • ‘I want to stay by your side’
  • ‘I want to keep counting on you’
  • ‘I wish you the best’
  • ‘I want to cuddle with you’
  • ‘I want to know more’
  • ‘I feel loved by you’
  • ‘I feel that someone cares about me’
To connect

Then we would feel many times better…

Some of these sensitive words may suit you more than others, but they will surely have made you feel different from the person who said them to you  or made the person you say them to you. said that it started to feel different.

The healing power

The healing power of emotional words is hidden in the intense emotional content that is conveyed to the person who hears the words. At the same time, the person uttering the words feels the excitement associated with the words he expresses. And this is where the healing power of these words comes from.

When we express affection, we release emotions that sometimes, by not being expressed, suppress or block the person who has kept them inside all along. When we receive or express affection, we feel that we are released and liberated from the pain and suffering that has been enveloped by these emotions.

Sensitive words heal and unite the people who use them,  releasing the emotions and painful feelings that cause us to suffer silently.

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