The Opioid Epidemic In The United States

From prescription opioid abuse to heroin addiction, the drug epidemic in the United States kills more people than firearms and car accidents. Keep reading to learn more about this.
The Opioid Epidemic in the United States

Since 2012, a drug epidemic has broken out in the United States. The US now has the highest number of opioid users in the world. We can speak of an opioid epidemic.

According to a report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) , about 72,000 people died from opioid overdoses (mainly fentanyl and heroin) in 2017. In the US, drugs kill more people than HIV, firearms or even car accidents.

In the face of this growing crisis, U.S. anti-drug policies are beginning to move away from the largely ineffective tough love policies it has pursued for decades. Legislators are working towards reforming the drug use framework and dialogue.

Instead of an anti-drug policy based on prohibition and criminalization, this approach will be based on public health, psychology and human rights. What will that look like and what will it mean for the United States? Let’s dig a little deeper to find out.

The Opioid Epidemic in the United States

The war on drugs in the United States has never stopped. It has only changed over time. The introduction of crack around 1984 had a major impact on the country. However, it mainly affected black and Latino populations living in urban areas.

At the time, the response from the authorities was “ zero tolerance. Law enforcement punished even non-violent drug-related crime very harshly.

A woman is bent over on a stool

While heroin use has increased across all demographics, the current opioid epidemic is primarily affecting middle- and upper-class white people.

As if that weren’t enough, the use of fentanyl, a synthetic pain reliever, is also on the rise. This is mainly due to the fact that it is made in a laboratory and is easier to transport. However, it is even more dangerous than some other drugs, as it is significantly more toxic than morphine and stronger than heroin.

Opioids numb emotional and physical pain

One of the causes of the opioid epidemic has to do with misuse of prescription opioids such as oxycodone and other pain relievers. Three out of four heroin users have started using opioids in the form of prescription painkillers.

Several states in the United States have sued drug companies for allegedly encouraging the use of this type of medication. In addition, they accuse the companies of trying to influence doctors.

However, as awareness about the seriousness of the problem spreads, doctors are increasingly reluctant to prescribe this type of strong medication.

Six years ago, opioids obtained by prescription were responsible for 80% of overdose deaths. Today, heroin and fentanyl are responsible for nearly half of all deaths.

There are also more than two million people addicted to these chemicals. President Donald Trump declared an emergency in October 2017 because of the opioid crisis.

Heroin has a devastating effect on the United States

Obama also fought the misuse of prescription painkillers during his tenure as president of the United States. He asked health care providers to reduce the amount of opioids they prescribed, but addicts turned to Mexican heroin instead.

In West Virginia, drug manufacturers sold  about 780 million painkillers between 2007 and 2012 . According to the Drug Enforcement Administration , that’s more than 421 pills per person. Major pharmaceutical companies have united and continue to deny the allegations.

In other states like Maryland, lawmakers release special funds that they normally save for natural disasters. In Kentucky, police, firefighters, and even normal citizens are all battling drug overdoses.

The problem in Kentucky is very serious. If an employer posts a job posting that requires a drug test, many of the potential candidates won’t even show up. As you can see, the effects of the opioid epidemic on American society are quite dramatic.

A man with his hands in front of his face

Changing the approach to the opioid epidemic

Following the fight against the tobacco industry in the 1990s, several states have sued a number of pharmaceutical companies, as we have mentioned before. So the focus has shifted from criminalizing drug users to criminalizing the companies that make drugs.

The new demographics of users have also helped raise awareness of the issue. Parents and families of this specific group of addicts are more likely to become involved in and stand up for their child ‘s rights.

They somehow managed to get the authorities to respond to this crisis with greater understanding and compassion. Now 15% of the budget is allocated to “damage mitigation.” The states will focus on improving access to clean syringes and Naloxone, the drug that could save your life if you overdose.

The wide scope of the opioid epidemic has practically eliminated the harsh and painful stigma of the addicts. This is a positive development, but there is still so much to do to solve this problem once and for all. Keep reading and researching ways to get involved. Change will have to happen little by little.

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