Three Daily Habits That Increase The Risk Of Depression

Three daily habits that increase the risk of depression

Depression is a serious disorder that requires maximum attention. Unfortunately, some people think that it is a condition that needs to be treated by ignoring it, thinking that those who suffer from it are crazy and that if you don’t get out of the depression, you are not making enough effort. They see it as affectation. However, they do not know that there are daily habits that increase the risk of depression.

This is very serious when one considers that depression does not ‘cure on its own’. On the contrary, if the effects are not addressed in time, it can lead to increasing deterioration and to more serious illnesses, both physical and mental.

Lifestyle is a decisive factor in increasing or overcoming depression. Everyday habits influence this condition positively or negatively. Some habits make you feel more depressed, while others help you reduce symptoms and improve your mood. In this article, we talk to you about three of these habits that increase the risk of depression.

Butterflies that lift bells

Habits that increase the risk of depression

1. Wrong spending of free time fuels depression

Your daily activities can cause tremendous emotional exhaustion, especially if you live in a big city. Every day you are exposed to hundreds of stimuli, many of which are aggressive. In the big cities there is an atmosphere of widespread stress. You discover with difficulty a friendly face and everything happens at a fast pace.

Free time is therefore not only a time of rest, but also an important moment to maintain good mental health.

The problem is that our packed days often leave us unsure of what to do with free time. Sometimes we simply seek peace and seclusion. It is true that this contributes to rest, but it also feeds depression.

Ideally, free time helps us to breathe new life into our body and mind, including by doing fun activities that help us laugh and have a good time. That refreshes our physical and mental energy. It gives us strength and it improves our mood. Fresh air, nature, sports or a hobby are the best options.

2. Poor sleep can increase the risk of depression

Nothing can replace a refreshing sleep. While we sleep, we give the brain a chance to reorganize, reset and filter information. Sleeping well is part of mental health, as well as good physical health. Rest is crucial to function well day after day.

Not sleeping or sleeping badly usually quickly affects our mood. One of the first features of this is a certain hypersensitivity, which easily turns into depression. This is expressed in listlessness, irritation and lack of energy.

Man with a red eye and a blue eye

Problems sleeping quickly affect our mood. At the same time, insufficient relaxation makes us more vulnerable and makes it harder for us to tackle and solve problems. This creates a vicious circle that easily leads to depression.

3. Neglecting Your Appearance

One of the first signs of depression is neglect of appearance. That is a sign of apathy towards yourself and the world. Sometimes it concerns specific periods, which pass relatively quickly. Other times, on the other hand, those periods turn into a constant attitude.

We’re not saying that you should worry too much about the clothes you wear or your haircut. The best thing you can do is simply take a bath, put on nice clothes, and go outside well-groomed. This also applies to our environment, where we live.

Woman with a purple face

When one is depressed, both the appearance and the cleanliness of the place we live or work are secondary. We put personal care aside. We are also behind on tidying and cleaning. Taking care of ourselves a little and organizing our living space somewhat and keeping it clean are factors that improve our mood.

Life is never free from sorrow and difficulties. It is important that we take care of ourselves and protect ourselves, otherwise there will be times when negative feelings overwhelm us emotionally. Then not only do we lose our interest in life, but it also makes us sick. Having healthy habits and giving up harmful habits is always the best weapon against depression.

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