Today I Want To Discover All The Good That Life Has In Store For Me

Today I want to discover all the good that life has in store for me 

I’ve decided that I can do it, that I must do it, and that I deserve it. Put on my new shoes today. My energy is recharged so that life can mess up my hair laughing, dancing and cuddling. For all the good in life confuses our hair and makes our soul uncertain. I think it’s time to put on my shoes again. I had almost forgotten that feeling.

We all go through those periods when we suddenly say to ourselves ‘and now enough is enough’. We then throw off mental exhaustion and pressure from our environment one by one. We enjoyed those stories about mermaids. Now is the time for us to swim in total freedom through our personal oceans. But saying “enough” isn’t always enough to create the change we long for.

We constantly use phrases like ‘ I deserve the best’, ‘it’s time to put myself first’  or ‘ I have a right to be happy’.   But these kinds of statements ultimately have no effect. We may think that if we turn the corner, life might have something good in store for us. However, it is not at all easy to take a step towards the exceptional. Because our minds above all want to stubbornly cling to the ordinary, the predictable.

To change to the sublime, we don’t need to make an appointment. We don’t have to ask when it’s our turn or wait for a shooting star to make a wish. A happier life requires only one thing: happier brains.

Girl Sleeping With All Bees Around Her In A Bowl Enjoying All The Good In Life

The exhausted brain and the closed windows

Have you ever considered how many thoughts go through our minds every day? Neurologists love these kinds of questions. So it didn’t take long for them to answer the question. We have about 50,000 thoughts every day. However, it is important to mention that almost 80% of these thoughts are absolutely useless. Most thoughts are repetitive, mechanical, and obsessive.

Exhausted brain is an echo of an unhappy mind. This train of debilitating thoughts follows the tracks of ‘ if only I…’, ‘if only others would let me…’ or ‘I can’t…’.  These are extremely hopeless and ruthless tracks. As a result, the mind blames others around us for every unhappy moment we go through. That way we continue to feed the engine of our tired brains. Our brains get shattered because of this. They are no longer able to resolve the issue.

Then if we close the window of our mind in this way, it will only let us hear the echo of a whimsical whisper. Fear, doubt and despair are the sources of that deep echo. A good idea for getting in touch with all the good that life has to offer has to do with developing an open attitude. It initiates two fabulous processes that we integrate in our minds: recycling and creation.

Man Sitting On An Octopus With A Lantern In His Hands Looking For All The Good

Recycle and Create

We believe you are already recycling in an effort to care for the environment and the planet. Our mind, however, needs the same ‘maintenance’. Many of our thoughts are of no use at all. They are harmful. So instead of piling them up, we need to recycle them. To do this, there’s nothing better than turning “I can’t” into “I deserve the chance to try.”

But recycling alone is not enough to make our minds healthier. We must learn to perfect ourselves in creating and dealing with our thoughts. The ideas, goals and new attitudes will create connections. These will strengthen or weaken the connections between the neurons in our brains. Along with the new thoughts, new and powerful feelings arise. They will help us say goodbye to that exhausted ghost with closed windows.

All the good in life: the ability to open new perspectives

To understand the magic of your brain and your emotions, we invite you to do a little experiment.  Choose a photo or print of a beautiful landscape. Now push your nose against the image. If you try to focus your attention on what you see, you will only see a big blot that reminds you of nothing.

Our tired mind works the same way. It is not at all enriching to look at things from this perspective. But if we go a little further step by step, a world begins to reveal itself full of possibilities and inspiring beauty. Creating distance between yourself and the many things around you is something positive. It offers an opportunity to become aware that nothing, absolutely nothing, has enough power over us to enslave us.

Girl Sitting With All Kinds Of Animals In A Tree During Autumn To Discover All The Good That Life Has To Offer

How to be open to all the good that life can bring you

The University of California has conducted an interesting study on happiness from a neurological perspective. This study proved to be useful and above all enlightening. The result was a book titled Train Your Brain to Get Happy . This book explains how our thoughts create changes in ‘our gray matter’. They create powerful emotional material where balance and well-being breathe.

To be more open to possibilities in our environment, it is not enough to just say ‘I will look for my happiness’. Before we install new thoughts, we must deal with the old ones.

Asking ourselves questions sometimes forces us to focus our attention on those questions. We must then use all our resources to solve them. A good question is like a vacuum cleaner that is able to suck up what doesn’t help or does some damage. For example, instead of saying to ourselves, “I want to be happy,” it’s better to ask ourselves, “What’s stopping me from being happy?” Once we ask ourselves this question, it’s time to think.

On the other hand, there are aspects that we need to clarify in our minds. The person who wants to be happier does not compare themselves with others. His language or way of speaking is also not full of sentences in the conditional mood (‘if only I had this’, ‘if only I was like’, ‘if others had to see that’).

Speak in the present tense. Be firm in your goals. Don’t base them on others. Discover and recognize your own skills apart from the opinions of others. Develop inspiring, invigorating and creative thoughts. Above all, remember that only an open mind sees the extraordinary things where others see only ordinary things. 

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