We Tell You The Extraordinary Story Of The Elephant In Chains

We tell you the special story of the chained elephant

In the story of the chained elephant, we meet a very playful, curious and funny child who lived in a small town. His parents had a farm. He regarded all animals as his friends. The chickens, ducks, pigs and cows were his playmates. He talked to them as if they could understand him.

One day a giant circus came to their town. The little boy had never seen a circus. At school everyone was talking about the circus. They all said they went to the circus after school. They wanted to see how the tent was set up and how everything was set up for the circus.

The little boy also asked his parents if they could take him to the circus. He couldn’t wait to see the jugglers, the clowns and the animal tamers. He had also noticed that they had huge, mysterious animals with them: a tiger, a lion, an elephant and several zebras.

An evening at the circus

The child’s parents agreed and took him to the circus. The boy was very excited. On Saturday night, he couldn’t sleep because he knew he would see the show he was looking forward to the next day. As soon as the sun came up, he got out of bed. However, time passed slowly until the time had finally come to go.

An evening at the circus

The parents bought popcorn and cotton candy for their son. He liked these snacks, but most of all he was excited to see the show. It was so fantastic it seemed like it came from another world. He loved the trapeze performers and the animal shows.

The lion was so tame and docile that he greeted the audience. The zebras were agile. They ran in perfect circles without losing their pace. And the elephant was so amazing that he stood on two legs and joked with the clowns.

The boy was really fascinated by all this. At the end of the show he decided to go behind the stage to see the artists with their beautiful animals. He walked with his parents to the back of the circus. There he saw that the animals were in cages. However, the elephant was outside.

The boy came closer to the elephant and saw that someone had chained one of its legs to a post in the sand. The animal did not move at all.

Why this interest in the story of the chained elephant?

The boy couldn’t get the chained elephant out of his mind. He did not like to see animals in cages. What struck him most, however, was the elephant. He was free but tied up at the same time. The chain was sturdy. Still, the boy could see that the elephant could pull the stick out of the ground if he wanted to. It was, after all, a giant animal.

The boy asked his parents why the circus people had chained the elephant. Their answer was “So he doesn’t run away.” The boy replied, “So he doesn’t run away? He could just run away if he wanted to!”

According to the boy, the chain and the pole were no obstacles for the elephant. So the boy then asked his parents, “Then why doesn’t he run away?” His parents shrugged. They couldn’t answer him.

The boy sat with his questions and his general restlessness. The next day he asked the same question to his science teacher. She gave him a firm answer: “He doesn’t run because he’s trained.” The teacher then also explained how animal tamers train their animals.

Reasons to stay

The child in the story of the chained elephant understood that the animal had once been very small although it is now very large. When the elephant was small, someone tied one of its legs to a chain and a small pole.

The boy imagined how hard the baby elephant probably fought to free the chain without hurting himself or getting into trouble.

The Chained Elephant

The boy also understood that the elephant did not realize how big and strong he was when he grew up. All the elephant remembered was that he was a small elephant fighting a chain and a pole that wouldn’t move.

This was why the elephant no longer tried to free himself although he could now. For the elephant, the memory of that impossibility in the past was stronger than the real possibility in the present.

The story of the chained elephant is similar to the stories of many people. They are people who cling to bad experiences from the past. They don’t try again because they hold on to their negative experiences.

This keeps them from the real possibilities that the present offers them that could completely change their lives. 

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