What Exactly Is Neurogenesis And Why Is It Important?

What exactly is neurogenesis and why is it important?

There is a widespread myth that neurons only form during childhood. However, this is not true. Neurogenesis is the birth of new cells. This phenomenon represents a key factor in neuroplasticity.

It also plays an essential role in important processes such as learning and memory storage in the brain. This is a fundamental discovery that scientists are currently investigating.

Neurogenesis has only recently been discovered. In the 1960s, Altman and Das (1965) demonstrated this phenomenon in rodents. However, it wasn’t until 1998 that Peter S. Eriksson’s research team discovered it in humans.

Inferences from previous research (see, for example, the 2013 study by Moreno R., Pedraza C., and Gallo M.) demonstrate this process. During our adult life we ​​make new cells. It is also vital that we encourage their production.

Do you want to discover what neurogenesis is? Would you like to know why it is so important? Then keep reading!

Where does neurogenesis take place?

This phenomenon occurs in the subventricular zone (the lower part of the lateral ventricles). However, it mainly occurs in the subgranular region of the dentate convolution of the hippocampus (Ehnenger and Kempermann, 2007).

This structure is located in the temporal lobe of the brain. It is part of the limbic system. These are some of the main functions of the hippocampus: functions related to memory, learning, spatial orientation, and emotional control.

New cells fit into two categories

First, there are the stem cells. They can copy themselves indefinitely.

In addition, we have the progenitor cells. These cells have a more limited ability to divide and renew than the stem cells (Arias-Carrión, 2007).

Where does neurogenesis happen

Why is neurogenesis important?

This is the view of Couillard-Després et al (2011):

“The ongoing supply of new nerve cells comes from pre-existing neural stem cells. It occurs to facilitate the performance of tasks that depend on the hippocampus. Indeed, the decline or blockage of neurogenesis is linked to cognitive decline.” 

This sheds light on the importance of learning and memory for the development of new neurons.

So if we want to make new cells throughout our lives, we have to do activities that stimulate the brain.

Learning something new doesn’t just mean acquiring a new skill. It also means that we create brand new nerve cells. Learning to speak a different language, play an instrument, or any other activity that keeps the mind active will promote the production of new cells. So remember, it’s never too late to learn something new.

More training, less stress!

We know that physical activity lowers stress. It also helps us get in shape. However, exercise also promotes neurogenesis. This is the theorem of Morales-Mira M. and Valenzuela-Harrington M. (2014).

Physical training actually stimulates neurogenesis in the hippocampus of adult individuals. This represents a potential therapeutic delay and repair of brain damage caused by injury or disease.”

More workouts, less stress

When we are stressed, the hypothalamus releases hormones. These activate the pituitary gland, enabling it to release glucocorticoids (cortisol). If we can’t stop the flow of cortisol in the body, it will affect nerve cells in the hippocampus. The neurogenesis will then not occur.

When we exercise, we regulate the level of the glucocorticoids. We then stop the activation of the brain circuit that causes stress. It will then be easier for the hippocampus to regenerate. In summary, it means that a stressed hippocampus does not allow neurogenesis to happen. However, a healthy hippocampus does.


So if we want to maintain a healthy mind that continues to make new cells, we must also keep our mind active.  After all, we now possess the ability to stimulate neurogenesis. So that means we can have an active mind for longer than we thought.

Read, learn to play the guitar, go for a walk, meditate, train… There are endless possibilities. So you no longer have an excuse. Get your mind in shape today! 

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