What Is 2C-B, Also Known As The Elite Drug?

What is 2C-B, also known as the elite drug?

People call 2C-B the elite drug, because of its high price. It also has other names such as Venus, Erox, Nexus, MFT, pink cocaine, to name a few. However, its original name is 2C-B, which is how it is classified as a narcotic.

The media talks about it like it’s a new drug. However, the truth is that it has been around since 1974. A man named Alexander Shulgin developed the formula in a lab in California. Many people say it was invented in Germany, but that is not true.

2C-B is a synthetic drug. That means you can make or synthesize it in a lab with chemicals. That sets it apart from other drugs made from natural plants, such as marijuana or cocaine.

The history of 2C-B

2C-B became popular in the 1980s when many other synthetic drugs came to light as well. In the 1980s, the government turned ecstasy into an illegal drug. That made 2C-B even more popular. Over time, the United States government also made 2C-B illegal in 1994. Little by little, this made it illegal all over the world as well. Then the drug was known as ‘Nexus.’

Man holding a bag of 2C-B

In 2004, this illegal drug regained popularity, this time in Latin America. It became very popular in Mexico and traffickers started importing it to Colombia two years later. 2C-B entered the coffee country through Medellin. Then a man who everyone started calling “Alejo Tusibi” started making a local version of the drug.

Drug traffickers in Medellin managed to get ‘Alejo’ out of town. He moved to Cali, where he was exiled by the ruling mafia. He eventually settled in Bogota. The mafia in Bogota has kidnapped him and forced him to reveal his formula.

A famous mob boss named Urdinola took over Alejo’s business. Urdinola was later extradited. Today Colombia is the largest producer of 2C-B in the world. They mainly export it to Europe and the largest number of consumers are in Germany.

An amphetamine with psychedelic effects

2C-B (2,5-dimethoxy-4-bromophenethylamine) belongs to the amphetamine family. Amphetamines are a strong stimulant for the central nervous system. Dealers usually sell them on the black market in the form of pills and capsules. Sometimes they sell it in the form of powder, which users inhale. This drug is available in various forms, but most commonly you will find it in the form of a pink pill. That’s why many people call it ‘pink cocaine’.

2C-B in the form of pills

Users usually consume the drug by mouth. It is thought to work by binding to adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine receptors when it reaches the brain. 2C-B is also a psychedelic drug. That means it alters the perceptual and cognitive processes, causing delusions and/or hallucinations.

2C-B works more slowly than other drugs, such as ecstasy. It can take one to two hours after ingestion to reach the brain. The effect lasts between four and eight hours. It all depends on each person’s unique make-up, physiology and condition. Experts consider ten milligrams to be a low dose. A moderate dose is between ten and twenty-four milligrams. A high dose is between twenty-five and forty milligrams. Anything more than that and you’re talking about an overdose.

Effects of this drug

2C-B has physical and psychological side effects. Small doses cause sensory enhancement. That means that everything that the senses perceive becomes stronger and more intense. At higher doses you will see the following effects:

Woman who has gone crazy with the 2C-B
  • Visual and auditory hallucinations.
  • Objects begin to become uneven or shiny.
  • The urge to laugh, sometimes accompanied by feelings of anxiety and restlessness.
  • You will feel very smart.
  • You become more aware of your body than usual.
  • Sudden mood swings.
  • In very high doses, this drug also causes feelings of anxiety and even panic attacks.

The most common physical side effects of 2C-B are a rise in blood pressure, pupil dilation, blurred vision, dizziness and insomnia. Not much is known about the long-term side effects. However, we do know that long-term use tends to cause severe cases of anxiety, depression, and sleep problems. However, we don’t know exactly how addictive it is.

Other facts about 2C-B

The effect of each dose depends on the characteristics of the person taking it. For some people, a dose of fifteen milligrams hardly has any effect. For others, this is a high dose and will make them hallucinate. Between fourteen and twenty-four mg, a difference of just ten mg can mean a significant increase in the drug’s effects.

2C-B in the form of powder

In Colombia, people call 2C-B “the drug of queens and models.” This strange nickname came about because the combination of 2C-B and ecstasy is a powerful aphrodisiac. This is especially true for women. Before it became illegal, psychiatrists even used 2c-B in couples therapy. Experts say that if we can ever invent a fully effective aphrodisiac, 2C-B will be the key ingredient.

While people call this the elite drug, the actual price doesn’t really support this moniker. Although it has a high price on the black market, it is not that different from cocaine. The effects of cocaine don’t last that long, so users need to take it more often. As a result, both drugs cost about the same. 

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