Whoever Does His Best Will Never Regret

If you do your best, you will never have regrets

When you experience regret, it is often because somewhere deep down you know how best to heal and serve yourself. So listen carefully to this intimate, intuitive voice  and wise counsel. Forgive yourself for mistakes and realize that in that moment, in that situation, you were doing what you could. Even if you “knew” better, something else was holding you back. Have compassion for your own totality .

Do not let your conscience collapse under the weight of what has already happened and is past. You don’t deserve that and it also doesn’t help you make better choices in the future. Remind yourself that the consequences of your behavior will not necessarily haunt you for life.

You have been criticized, condemned and embarrassed. In short, you may have suffered enough. Of course, sometimes you need to be reprimanded, because whoever acts at all and actively makes decisions always runs the risk of making a blunder. No one can be right all the time.

“I just wanted…”

Living from a heart full of kindness is generally undervalued. Although, of course, there are also people who habitually profess their so-called ‘good intentions’ loudly, but in practice only make excuses and thus hide behind their false philanthropic image. He who sincerely repents and shows, may pardon himself; especially if your intention was pure and virtuous at its core.


If you keep hearing yourself say ‘sorry’, it may be due to a deep sense of guilt. It’s the twisted frustration of someone who’s put all their heart into something and inadvertently keeps on breaking things.

Your chest constricts, constricts you, and remorse defies your peace of mind. Even if the injured person involved has forgiven you long and wide. It is not the situation that still grips you, but your conscience. However, the solution lies in a completely different direction.

Dare to take the step, and welcome forgiveness

The only way out is to forgive yourself. Stop blaming and internal reproach. It takes courage, but it’s the only way to feel better and stop being so tormented.

Don’t keep complaining about things you can’t turn back, nor change afterwards. Being of good will offers you the chance to make a fresh start, a fresh start, and discover that no one – not even you – is perfect, no matter how much we would like to see otherwise.

Woman with little bird

Making a mistake doesn’t make you a bad person or a failure. Have faith in and value yourself. Because then it will certainly turn out that you don’t always have to fail and sometimes even succeed with flying colors. Errors do not define who you really are, but only help you discover your true potential.

Doing your best: the panacea for a satisfying existence

The world needs people who act from their hearts, humble and selfless. Even if the so ardently desired results do not come or if things go wrong for a while.

We must do our best every day for our family, friends and colleagues, whether they need our company, ask for advice or come up with a practical request. And what if we commit a blunder? Then we have no choice but to forgive ourselves and learn to be at peace with the inevitable repercussions.

Heart Shaped Tree

It often seems that it is not our intention that matters the most, but the hard, tangible result. However , we must not forget that good intentions and a positive attitude can move mountains. After all, nothing gets off the ground without the right intention.

So don’t be too hard on yourself and give yourself a second chance,  because things don’t always have to go wrong. Believe me, this time luck is on your side.

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