Yin And Yang: The Duality Of Existence

The concept of yin and yang focuses on the dual nature of human existence and the natural world. There is no day without night, no life without death. Read more here!
Yin and yang: the duality of existence

The concept of yin and yang stems from a Chinese philosophy called Taoism. Taoism is a philosophical framework created by Laozi, an ancient writer who may or may not have actually existed. What we do know is that these concepts have been around since about the 6th century to the present day.

Laozi is traditionally credited as the author of a book called the Tao Te Ching. A rough translation of the title is “path to virtue.” This is where the idea of ​​yin and yang first appeared. A translation of yin and yang is “dark and light.”

Laozi describes them as a duality that exists in everything. Day and night, man and woman, life and death, and much more. They are two opposite sides that do not contradict each other, but complement and depend on each other. One does not want to impose itself on the other. Instead, they exist in equilibrium with each other.

A necklace with the yin-yang symbol

The duality of yin and yang

Taoism says that constant change is the nature of everything. Winter follows autumn and spring follows winter, without you doing anything about it. The same thing happens throughout our lives. If you want to follow the path of virtue, you must allow these changes, in nature and in your life.

Personal desires and goals lead you to want to change the natural order of things. Inactivity, on the other hand, lets things flow and unfold as they should, without the need for outside pressure to change them.

Yin and yang represent this constant change. When the duality expressed in these two concepts is in balance, then harmony arises. Disharmony, on the other hand, is when one side of duality dominates the other side.

Yin corresponds to all that is feminine. It is soft, warm, earthy, passive, absorbent and dark. Yang represents the masculine side of things. It is hard, dry, airy, active, penetrating and light. Both elements and characteristics are present in all that exists.

Guiding Principles

According to Taoism, a set of unique principles applies to yin and yang. These principles define the dynamics that exist between the two forces and serve as a guideline for applying them to concrete situations. The principles are:

  • Yin and yang are opposites, but not exclusive. There can be some yin in a yang reality and vice versa. For example, in the midst of the deep darkness of the night, the moon’s light still shines.
  • interdependence. Yin cannot exist without yang and vice versa. For example, there is no death without life, no life without death.
  • They maintain a dynamic equilibrium. When yin increases, yang decreases, and vice versa. When one of the two grows excessively, it forces the other to shrink and that sets in motion a transformation. For example, excess heat leads to thaw, which causes flooding.
  • When one disappears, it changes into the other. They are not separate realities. They exist side by side. That’s why when one disappears, it just gives way to the other. Day and night are perfect examples of this principle.
  • Yin always contains a trace of yang and vice versa.
A drawing of yin and yang

Practical applications

It is important to remember that the concepts of yin and yang are part of a specific philosophy, not a scientific theory. However, there are theories in quantum physics that coincide to some extent with yin and yang. The idea of ​​nature’s inherent duality also has some practical applications.

The martial arts directly applies these concepts. Ideas such as defense/attack and concentration/relaxation come directly from yin and yang. Chinese medicine also uses duality and complementarity to diagnose and treat disease.

Experts in Chinese Medicine express that idea with this principle: calm what is exaggerated and turn on what is flawed. The concept of duality can also be applied to everyday life to achieve inner peace. It calls for disconnection and acceptance. To keep things flowing.

To accept that night gives way to day, sadness to joy, light to dark. Don’t try to make everything positive. Instead, admit that duality exists. This is the Taoist path to a peaceful life.

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