You Can Teach Your Child To Fly, Not To Succeed

You can teach your child to fly, not to succeed

When you become a mother, when that little piece of yourself that has been growing inside you for 9 months comes out, all your fears become stronger. You realize that there is no greater insecurity than giving wings to a child. Then you will have to teach them to fly with it. Finally, new mothers know that when their baby eventually leaves the nest, they will all go their separate ways.

Teaching your child to fly is also a lesson for you

Maybe that’s what makes motherhood so beautiful and scary at the same time. It’s not just about giving life. It’s also about learning how to make the most of this life. Being aware of our imperfections and mistakes is also an important part of this. As new mothers, we must grow with our children.

Your due date is the only “blind date” where you know in advance that you’re going to meet someone special. This person will leave his or her persons on you anyway. In this way you will also leave your mark on him or her…

Parents will have to teach their children to fly someday

New mothers often have doubts before giving birth

Before childbirth, women who become mothers for the first time swim in a sea of ​​doubt. So this is long before their kid will spread his wings. Then she worries about what she can eat, whether she can exercise during pregnancy, and so on. For example, a mother who is pregnant for the first time has many worries. To that we add thousands more books on motherhood, followed by the well-intentioned advice of other mothers. These advices are often fine, but that’s not the case! But often they completely overwhelm the new mother.

Moreover, advice often conflicts with what medical experts recommend. So what can we do to be good mothers and avoid mistakes? As contradictory as it sounds,  the first thing we should do is assume that we are going to make a mistake somewhere. We are not perfect and all the moms who came before us made mistakes too. The consequences of this are  very rarely serious.

The best guide to motherhood will always be you. After all, no one knows your body as well as you do. New mothers also know that after the birth no one recognizes your own baby’s crying as well as you do. Will you start doubting things? Of course! After all, this is a new experience. However, medical experts will always be ready to advise you in the most correct way possible. They will help you give way to potentially harmful myths about motherhood.

Mom, you were always there when I wanted a hug. Your heart understood when I needed a friend. Those tender eyes harden when you had to teach me a lesson. Your strength and your love guided me and gave me my wings.

Mother with daughter

When children decide to leave the nest

When our children grow up, motherhood really becomes an improvisational exercise. No one is born with all the knowledge he needs in life. Often we also have no idea about the situations and dilemmas that await us in the future. We move through life through all the advice and ideas we take from others as well as our own intuition.

For new mothers, the trick is to teach your child to fly in a way that best fits the norms and values ​​you would like to see in your children. That way you invite them to discover it. So you can not only teach them to fly, help them choose a path and learn to plan. You also teach them to determine the destination of their flight themselves.

They will of course make mistakes. They will make choices that you don’t support. You will see them suffer and cry, but also laugh and develop. This is one of the best parts of motherhood. You will feel immense pride as you watch them grow and mature. You know that you gave the best of yourself so that your children can learn to fly alone. You watch as they bravely leave the nest and face the responsibilities of their own fate. This will be the icing on the cake, the foundation of which was laid when their hearts first began to beat within you.

Wise words

“You will teach them to fly,
but they will not fly your flight.
You will teach them to dream,
but they will not dream your dreams.
You will learn to live them,
but they will not experience your life.
In every flight, in every dream, in every life,
you will exist, the seed of a devised and learned path.”

-Teresa from Calcutta-

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