Your Actions Say A Lot About You

Your actions say a lot about you

There are a lot of ways you can express who you are and how you really feel. You can describe what you want or you can try to hide how you feel, but your actions will betray you and show the world who you really are. A person’s words and actions say a lot about him, but his actions will make the difference.

Often we use words as a disguise and hope, sometimes in vain, that this will hide the things we don’t want others to see. Other times, we are not even aware that our words and actions contradict each other.

We prefer to be able to make decisions quickly, some of which are unimportant and others very important. Sometimes the paths we choose match what we say and think, while other times our words and actions are miles apart.

The confusion of mixed signals

When your words and actions are aligned, there is no chance of confusion. The verbal message is reinforced by a consistent non-verbal message. The communication is clear and the other person can understand you easily.

Doubts and confusion arise when your verbal message proclaims one thing and your non-verbal message announces something completely different. It’s like saying yes with your mouth and shaking your head no at the same time. This contradiction will make the person listening to you nervous and cause uncertainty and mixed feelings.

An example of mixed signals would be when your partner tells you to “do what you want” in a hostile tone. Verbally, he says he doesn’t care what you decide or that he will agree with whatever you choose, while non-verbally making his rejection and disapproval clear.

Two People Do Not Agree, Their Words And Actions Contradict Each Other

When someone sends mixed messages, the person receiving them feels trapped. Because the message is so contradictory, the receiver will always go against what the other person wants, no matter what he does.

When words and deeds contradict each other

When words and deeds contradict each other, the deeds reveal the person’s true intentions. Focus on what the person does and not what he says, because what he does will describe his motivation much better. While you may be wrong with this method, statistically speaking, you will be far more likely to be right than wrong.

Two faces

You can also apply this principle to get to know yourself better. If you have a dilemma or doubt about what you really want, you can analyze the actions you have taken so far. Observation is therefore very important, and the first thing a psychologist learns during his training. In this case, be your own psychologist and observe your own actions.

Be aware of your actions

To find out someone else’s true intentions, focus on what they’re doing. The same applies if you want to know what your own motivations are. Focus on what you think as well as what you do.

Being aware of the decisions you have made and the actions you have taken will increase your knowledge of yourself. Knowing your true motivations will help you resolve dilemmas and move in the right direction during times of crisis.

Girl Enjoy Sunset

Look at words and deeds

If we don’t reinforce the message we convey with our words with deeds, it will just be an empty message. Simply saying you stand for something, hitting the like button on Facebook, or just going along with what the majority thinks isn’t enough.

What you say should go hand in hand with what you do. Be consistent with your ideas, act accordingly, and don’t contradict yourself with your verbal and non-verbal messages.

It’s important to be aware of the decisions you make – or don’t make – and take responsibility for them. Thinking about what you say and do will help you situate yourself, question your own thoughts, and act consistently without going against your values.

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