Your Imperfections Are Just Beautiful

Your imperfections are just beautiful

You dress yourself in nice and trendy clothes, you comb your hair, you go on a diet to get that size slimmer, you use creams to hide your impurities, you wear high heels to look taller and you do makeup to emphasize your beauty. But what is truly beautiful is all that is hidden beneath it: you, with all the infinite beauties and imperfections that belong to a woman.

Who decides what is or isn’t beautiful? No one can tell you what beauty means, whether you are beautiful or not. Therefore, you must value yourself as you are and know that your beauty is reflected in all aspects of your life, of your existence.

Perfection is exhausting

When you think of all the cosmetic procedures and anti-aging treatments that people undergo, we seem to reject anything that is old, broken or imperfect. Our current consumer society, which values ​​tall, thin, and almost perfect women, has left us behind on our values, such as what it means to be feminine or what the beauty of a real woman is.

Eyes and Mouth

It’s so exhausting to be constantly working on how to look as attractive as possible, how to live up to the idea of ​​ideal beauty that has been imposed on us from childhood, that we see all the time on TV and in magazines. We try to live up to an ideal that is impossible to achieve because it is not real. And this pursuit makes it impossible for us to see how beautiful we actually are in ourselves.

The beauty and power of imperfections

The Japanese mend broken ceramics with a strong gold glue, emphasizing the imperfection rather than hiding it. They believe that when something is broken or damaged it has a story, which only makes it more beautiful. This traditional art form is called Kintsugi.

If we applied this idea to humans, we would learn to properly appreciate imperfections and aging, and all the wisdom and power that comes with them. We would learn to accept ourselves as we are, without resisting the passage of time and what would make us beautiful, wise and strong.

Show your vulnerability

It’s a common assumption that perfect people don’t cry, fail, walk around in bodies that don’t live up to the outer standards imposed by society, don’t feel vulnerable, or fear. How can such a person be happy? It is important to learn to show your vulnerability. The things that make us vulnerable can sometimes be the very things that make us closer to others.

We may be afraid to show our vulnerability, but if we never make ourselves vulnerable, we will never be ourselves. We don’t learn to show others who we really are. It may hurt, but it’s a risk we have to take in order to live by our own identity.

imperfect beauty

Little by little more and more people are remembering that true beauty is not at all a very young and very thin model; true beauty is real, imperfect and revealed through the passage of time. It involves gaining values ​​such as self-confidence, a good sense of well-being, and a sense of being different.

Smiling Woman

However, it is quite tricky to change one’s idea of ​​beauty, especially since beauty is subjective. It means something different to everyone. Beauty is imperfect, natural and doesn’t try to hide anything or pretend to be something it really isn’t. It doesn’t try to hide the signs of aging, but rather appreciates the wisdom and history that comes with it and shows it to the world.

Show your imperfections and learn to be beautiful

Your beauty becomes apparent when you show yourself as you really are, when your true self comes to light, when you don’t try to hide yourself, when you openly laugh and cry, when you fear and dare to show it, when you feel vulnerable and share this vulnerability with others, when you dare to love and open your heart. Then you are beautiful.

Is there anything more beautiful than just being yourself? We have learned to hide ourselves, to hide ourselves behind a layer of make-up, but we have to step out, spread our wings and fly. Showing our true beauty is an act that takes courage.

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